Thursday, March 16, 2017 by News Editors
Previously, I accused Hillary Clinton of being a Russian spy. The accusation and subsequent article received moderate attention. However, there have been new developments and it is time to repeat the charge with even more information.
(Article by Dave Hodges republished from TheCommonSenseShow.com)
It is ironic that the Deep State is accusing anyone who opposes them as being Russian subversives, including yours truly courtest of the Washington (Com) Post.
As I stated, the article I wrote alleging that Clinton was a spy, gained moderate attention. However, there is more evidence that has come to light.
There are multiple reports that the Clinton people met with members of the Russian diplomatic Corps during the campaign in exactly the same manner as happened with the Trump people. The House Intelligence Committee is meeting on March 20 to further accuse President Trump of being a Russian operative. The CIA will be a part of these hearings, which I find outrageous since they are the source of leaks of classified information designed to damage the Trump administration. However, this is quickly becoming a case of the kettle calling the pot black, for Clinton, as it is now revealed, that she engaged in the same activities by meeting with Russian officials during the campaign as they are accusing Trump’s people of doing. This serves to further reinforce the fact that she has no loyalty to the United States and this includes key members of the DNC as well.
“Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov (Press Secretary to Putin), revealed that not only did Donald Trump’s team meet with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, but so too did Hillary Clinton staff hold meetings with the Russian diplomat.”
The Telegraph UK reported that Trump-Russia “fake news” being spread by mainstream media is the revelation that the HRC campaign was also meeting with Russian officials as
“We don’t have a proper understanding of the future,” he said. “We certainly would expect our contacts to be more frequent, more in depth, because we had quite a significant pause.
“We were losing potential by blaming everything on Earth on each other.
“We do worry. Public opinion – if you load with a huge burden of fake news, fake blaming on Russia, repeat every day numerous times that Russia is interfering, guilty of trying to hack, that everything that goes wrong in the country is the fault of Russia.
“We want to see this hysteria coming to its logic end. Better sooner than later.”
Read more at: TheCommonSenseShow.com
Tagged Under: Tags: conspiracy, fake news, Hilary Clinton, mainstream media, Russia