Wednesday, February 08, 2017 by JD Heyes
Leftist agitator and financial sponsor of groups whose members are committing acts of domestic violence disguised as “protests” has now been linked to the bankrolling of the lawsuits filed against President Donald J. Trump’s lawful executive order banning travel into the United States from seven countries initially identified as terrorism sponsors by the Obama administration.
As reported by Lifezette, the filing of such lawsuits is very expensive, and can usually only be done by someone or some organization with deep pockets:
Looking beyond the handful of emotional personal stories that are gaining the media’s sympathy, there is a more predictable political power dynamic at play. The lawsuits largely stem from organizations bankrolled by billionaire leftist George Soros and Democratic state attorneys general.
One of the state attorneys general is Eric Schneiderman of New York, who has a political vendetta against Trump, a billionaire real estate mogul and reality TV host who hails from New York City. He and 15 additional attorneys general have recently issued a joint statement in which they condemn Trump’s order as “unconstitutional, un-American, and unlawful…” It is, of course, none of those things.
But as Lifezette also noted, the Democrat AGs – like Democrats in Congress and around the country – lied about the impetus behind Trump’s order, alleging it was anti-Muslim: “Religious liberty has been, and always will be, a bedrock principle of our country and no president can change that truth” – a revoltingly hypocritical statement from the party that targeted the Little Sisters of the Poor and championed the ruining of an Oregon bakery owned by a Christian couple. (RELATED: All our liberties are under attack by communist Democrats – stay tuned at Liberty.news)
Of course, Trump’s order did not “target” Muslims any more than Obama’s did or the four presidents before him. But alas, the biggest casualty in this whole self-inflicted mess is the truth.
And there is this: In August, Soros’ son Alex Soros posted an Instagram picture of himself with Schneiderman, writing, “Great to meet with #newyork attorney general @ericschneiderman who recognized that @realdonaldtrump was a fraud way before many and has courageously taken him on.”
“Courageously?” Trump was just GOP nominee Trump in August; he wasn’t elected until November. But such is the language of the Left; everything they do politically is righting a wrong and “courageous.”
As to the lawsuits against Trump, Schneiderman and his Democratic colleagues in Virginia and Massachusetts merely intervened in existing cases which were brought by AG’s in Washington state and Minnesota.
Outside of these partisan hack politicians, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, which are all advocates for borderless nations named the United States, are financing a number of advocacy organizations that are fighting the order. As Lifezette noted further, citing data collected by the Capital Research Center, a Washington, D.C. based think tank that examines non-profit organizations:
Leading the way in these lawsuits in several states is the American Civil Liberties Union, which has gotten at least $35.5 million from the Open Society Foundations, according to the Capital Research Center, a Washington think tank that investigates nonprofits.
In addition, George Soros has funded the National Immigration Law Center with $4.6 million; the center is also involved in the lawsuits. And, the CRC notes, Soros has donated $621,000 to the Urban Justice Center, which has a division called the International Refugee Assistance Project, which is also involved in the suits. (RELATED: See what other mayhem Soros is financing at Soros.news)
“It shouldn’t surprise anyone that pressure groups funded by George Soros are litigating to keep U.S. ports-of-entry wide open to terrorists and other people who hate America,” said Matthew Vadum, senior vice president of the CRC, in an interview with Lifezette. “Soros has said he wants to bring America down. Flooding the country with Muslim aliens who won’t assimilate is one way to do that.”
We have called for the Trump administration to investigate, charge, and arrest Soros for sponsoring domestic terrorism. The sooner that happens, the better. And the country would do with far less agitating, once a primary source of funding is removed.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: executive order, George Soros, immigrant ban, lawsuits, Left-wing, President Donald J. Trump