Wednesday, January 25, 2017 by Natural News Editors
George Soros, who fancies himself a god and intends to remake the world, is the Lord of Chaos and pursues a world order that is demonic, not divine.
(Article by William F. Jasper from TheNewAmerican.com)
“I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance — to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god.” So confessed George Soros (shown) in his 1987 book The Alchemy of Finance.
George Soros’ use of past-tense verbs in the admission above might lead some readers to assume his psychological deity complex was a passing narcissism that the maturing billionaire has conquered in the three decades since it was written. That would be a false assumption; if anything, the 86-year-old currency speculator has grown more megalomaniacal with each passing year.
“It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” Soros told the British newspaper The Independent in 1993.
Yes, the hedge-fund mogul has been “living out” his delusional fantasies, sometimes elevating himself from merely “a god,” to actually being “God.” Naturally, claiming such supernatural attributes entails more than a bit of madness, something Soros has also publicly discussed on more than one occasion.
“Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad,” Soros once explained in a British television interview. “In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”
Has the delusional billionaire really escaped the madness? He told his biographer, Michael T. Kaufman, that he views himself as “the conscience of the world.” And he is spending billions of dollars to remake the world to fit his fantasies. If a homeless derelict were to declare himself God and the conscience of the world, he would be ignored, shunned, or locked up; madmen with wealth and power are praised and sycophantically courted.
The Roman emperors Nero and Caligula are notorious for their murderous megalomania. They assigned themselves god status, but ruled as demented demons. Soros may not possess their dictatorial powers, but then, they didn’t possess his wealth and global influence. We intend in this article to examine some of the vast activist networks and political campaigns that George Soros funds.
Certainly, the super-rich should have as much right as any other citizens to participate in the political system that governs us all. But Soros appears to be perfectly comfortable operating both within and outside the law to destroy (he would say “reform”) our political-economic system. In his book Soros on Soros, the would-be god says: “I do not accept the rules imposed by others.” After years of operating with impunity, he has become so brazen that he appears not to worry about doing the illegal, as well as the immoral. It is our contention that the prima facie evidence of criminal activity by George Soros and those he funds is sufficient to demand official investigations — by Congress, the U.S. Department of Justice, and state attorneys general. Utilizing the subpoena and other investigatory powers not available to the private citizen, these officials have the duty to take on powerful interests that are corrupting and undermining the rule of law in America — and endangering the freedoms we hold dear. At the very least, the Internal Revenue Service — which recently denied Tea Party groups non-profit status — could take away the tax-exempt status of Soros’ huge foundations, or force them to cease funding radical groups. And if federal authorities exercise even a fraction of the zeal they expended on prosecuting and persecuting conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza, Soros the god-man could end up in jail.
Organizing Chaos
Over the past several years, American cities have been plunged into racial and civil turmoil at a level we have not experienced since the 1960s and 1970s. The anti-police riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, and elsewhere have morphed into anti-Trump riots across the country, with many of the same organizations and individuals serving as instigators: Black Lives Matter, MoveOn.org, International Action Center, ANSWER Coalition, and other far-left, fake “grassroots” groups. They reliably perform on cue because they are lavishly funded by the Soros Open Society Foundations (OSF), the other big tax-exempt foundations (Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, et al.), and activist “pass through” organizations, such as the Tides Foundation, that bundle and launder hundreds of millions of dollars in “dark money” to the street revolutionaries.
Black Lives Matter (BLM), which has become one of the most efficient riot-making operations, has been especially blessed with largess from the billionaire elites. As The New American noted in a 2014 article (“Rioting for a Reason”), BLM was founded by Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, three black lesbian Marxists “who idolize communist terrorist revolutionaries Assata Shakur and Angela Davis, as well as the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Movement.” Naturally, for Soros, that qualifies BLM for oodles of cash. An investigation of Soros/OSF financials by the Washington Times in 2015 found that Soros had showered BLM and its related network of activist organizations with more than $33 million. Not bad, but that was only seed money. The Ford Foundation, which has been funding revolution for decades, announced a few months ago it intends to raise $100 million in pooled donor funds for a newly formed Black-Led Movement Fund, of which the BLM (and its rioters) will be major beneficiaries.
Following the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida in 2012, Black Lives Matter grew from a hashtag slogan to a nationwide phenomenon, thanks largely to funding from Soros and a huge boost from the major media. However, BLM’s big break came with the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, and the organized “unrest” that followed. Two of the BLM groups that played a central role in the “Ferguson unrest” (that included riots, arson, shooting, and looting) are the Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) and Missourians for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), both of which are hardcore Marxist-Leninist organizations run by veteran communists who have been leading riotous “protests” for decades. A top founder/leader at OBS is Jamala Rogers, a professional “community organizer” since the 1970s and veteran member of the Revolutionary Communist League, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and the radical Black Power movement.
MORE is simply the rebranded Missouri chapter of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), the former national organization of paid activists inspired by Marxist strategist Saul Alinsky and founded by 1960s SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) radical Wade Rathke. Like ACORN, the white “social justice” leaders at MORE pay protesters (mostly black or “people of color”) to create street theater that can be exploited to advance their causes. Some of MORE’s rent-a-mob activities in Ferguson were exposed in 2015 when black protesters occupied MORE’s offices and threatened the white radicals because they hadn’t been paid as promised. To placate the angry protesters, MORE provided them with documents showing that they had dispersed the funds appropriately. Where did the money go? The accounting documents list, among other things, payments for cellphones, walkie-talkies, banners, T-shirts, art supplies, van rentals, gasoline, catering, training sessions, organizer salaries, etc. In other words, virtually everything needed to give a purely AstroTurf production the appearance of a “grassroots” protest. Where did the funding come from? The Washington Times investigation found that one line of Soros funding for “police reform” in 2014 amounted to $5.4 million, with about half of those funds “earmarked to Ferguson, with the money primarily going to OBS and MORE.”
Another significant recipient of Soros cash is Colorlines, an online news site that helped parlay Ferguson into a national road show. “More than 500 of us have traveled from Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Portland, Tucson, Washington, D.C., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and other cities to support the people of Ferguson and help turn a local moment into a national movement,” wrote Akiba Solomon, a writer at Colorlines.
Readying the Rioting
The anti-Trump demonstrations and riots — both before and after the election — follow a pattern that we have seen over and over again, from the protests of Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter to Dream Act/Open Borders. Not only are the tactics the same, but many of the same groups and individuals keep reappearing in all of these seemingly spontaneous outbreaks of organized chaos.
Were the “Not My President” rioters that illegally blocked streets and freeways, set fires, threw Molotov cocktails, injured police officers, destroyed property, and defaced public buildings with graffiti day after day following the November 8 election merely Soros rent-a-mobs? There is good reason to believe so.
Not only were well-known Soros-funded organizations such as Black Lives Matter and MoveOn.org prominently involved, but Soros-funded groups such as Washington Community Action Network (Washington CAN) ran advertisements on Craigslist and in newspapers for “full-time organizers” to “Fight the Trump Agenda!” at $15/hour, plus paid vacation and benefits.
Many of the anti-Trump rioters traveled across state lines, which means they not only violated state laws against rioting and inciting to riot, but also federal law against the same crimes. Specifically, the rioters could be (and should be) charged under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2101, which provides that “whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce … to incite a riot; or to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or … to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot … shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.”
As to be expected, Soros PR minions deny that their boss has anything to do with the mayhem caused by those he funds. “George Soros is not funding these (anti Trump) protests,” Soros spokesperson Michael Vachon said in an interview with Value Walk. Of course, Soros also denied funding the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. But financial records showed that he had provided millions of dollars to the Tides Foundation, which then passed through funding to the OWS activists.
This is why official congressional and prosecutorial investigations are necessary. Soros and the other funders of the riots, subversion, and anarchy will continue to deny the obvious, as they have been doing for decades. The undercover videos of James O’Keefe’s Veritas Project have exposed top Democratic Party operatives boasting of their illegal activities, such as voter fraud, busing in demonstrators, fomenting riots, initiating fights, illegal funding, etc. This is happening on a massive scale and can only be stopped by utilizing the same legal bulwarks that are used against organized crime. The financial records of the funders and organizations involved must be subpoenaed, and individuals placed under oath, where they will face the full penalty of perjury. As the saying goes, “follow the money,” and prosecute those who are financing the ongoing demolition of America.
Investigation and prosecution of the rioters — and especially those who fund and direct them — is important not only for redress of the crimes already committed and social harm already done, but also to deter plans for similar future havoc.
Dark Money Campaign Cash
According to a survey of official records by the Center for Responsive Politics, George Soros gave $19.5 million in political contributions during the most recent election cycle. That does not include funds he gave to nonprofits and activist groups that are not officially backing a particular candidate or ballot measure, but are nonetheless actively involved those campaigns.
The Soros hypocrisy meter hits the highest levels when it comes to “dark money,” which the liberal-left media invariably associate with those labeled conservative. For the past two decades, Soros has led and funded the “campaign finance reform” movement. However, at the same time that he was decrying the “corrupting influence” of money on politics, he was pioneering the funding of “527 Groups” (so-called due to their status under Section 527 of the IRS Code) which can raise unlimited funds for political campaigns. He has organized Democracy Alliance, bringing together dozens of billionaires and millionaires to provide rivers of cash to his favored candidates and causes.
Voter Fraud
It is impossible to sustain our system of representative government if the election process is corrupted. Groups that encourage non-citizens to vote and that work to make it difficult-to-impossible to enforce election security and verify voter identity are undermining our Republic. The Soros network has generously funded many of these “open border” and “open voting” groups, such as the American Council of La Raza, America Votes, ACLU, America’s Voice, American Bridge 21st Century, and Project Vote. Although charges of widespread vote fraud, particularly involving illegal aliens, have been dismissed by the establishment media, there is ample reason to believe this fraud is significant and should be officially and aggressively investigated.
Coopting the U.S. Government
In a 2005 interview, National Public Radio’s Steve Inskeep noted that Soros has “been described as the only private citizen with his own foreign policy.” Inskeep remarked to Soros: “Uzbekistan, the Open Society Institute was actually receiving grants from the US State Department and spending millions of dollars of US government money on various programs.” That was under President George W. Bush; it was not an isolated incident, and got much worse under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It’s easy to be a “philanthropist” when you’re spending other people’s money — in this case (and others), American taxpayers’ money.
Soros has similarly hijacked U.S. government policy (not by force, but by collusion) in Ukraine, Egypt, Albania, the European Union, and elsewhere — invariably with disastrous results. He has also been exposed as one of the major forces behind the calamitous “refugee crisis” that is swamping Europe with a tsunami of Muslim migrants — and that is threatening to do the same here, thanks to Soros-Obama-Clinton-Kerry collusion. A May 2016 internal report of the International Migration Institute (IMI), an official project of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, boasted of providing the funding for the “Sutherland Report,” the blueprint for Europe’s migration catastrophe authored by Goldman Sachs billionaire Sir Peter Sutherland, now the UN secretary-general’s special representative on international migration. The same report by top IMI staffers Anna Crowley and Kate Rosin, entitled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review,” calls for “accepting the current crisis as the new normal.” Soros also provides funding for the Columbia Global Policy Initiative (CGPI) at Columbia University, which hosts the secretariat for Peter Sutherland’s UN migration office.
The Media “Echo Chamber”
How does George Soros manage to keep getting away with it? Obviously, his billions have bought a lot of influence. One of the major keys to his success is the Teflon shield he has been provided by the establishment corporatist media, which also act as his “echo chamber.” That’s by design. A September 27, 2007 e-mail from John Podesta to Soros, Peter Lewis, Steve Bing, and other left-wing billionaires outlined his plans for parlaying the vast network they had financed into a media “echo chamber” that would “control the political discourse.” At the time, Podesta was president of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress. He went from that post to be Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.
“Now that this enhanced infrastructure is in place — grassroots organizing; multi-issue advocacy groups; think tanks; youth outreach; faith communities; micro-targeting outfits; the netroots and blogosphere — we need to better utilize these networks to drive the content of politics through a strong ‘echo chamber’ and message delivery system,” Podesta wrote.
“Non-partisan voter registration can be highly effective in delivering progressive voters to the polls,” Podesta states in the memo. “The Sandler family and [Open Society Institute] are already deeply involved in funding organizations to do this work in communities of color and with respect to unmarried women.” This further underscores our point above regarding the ostensibly non-partisan nature of the Soros focus on voter registration.
Several thousand hacked e-mails released by WikiLeaks and DCLeaks have provided plenty of damning evidence to justify initiating a whole series of investigations into the Lord of Chaos. Not surprisingly, the controlled establishment media has almost completely ignored this bonanza, prompting an editorial from Investor’s Business Daily this past September 19 entitled “The Bizarre Media Blackout of Hacked George Soros Documents.”
Bizarre indeed. However, it would be worse than bizarre — it would be serious nonfeasance of office — for our elected and appointed officials to evade their responsibilities to investigate and prosecute the “malefactors of great wealth” who undermine our society while posing as its saviors.
Read more at: TheNewAmerican.com
Stay informed on the evils of George Soros at the upcoming web site Soros.news.
Tagged Under: Tags: chaos, George Soros, politics