Monday, January 23, 2017 by JD Heyes
When talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh said in 2008, shortly after Barack Obama was elected president, that he hoped Obama failed, the perpetually angry Left exploded with rage.
How dare Limbaugh say something like that about the president of the United States? Gasp! What a racist!
What Limbaugh meant was that he hoped Obama failed to enact his far-Left political agenda, because the host believed that it was wrong for the country (and it turns out that most of it was).
However, the hypocritical, angry Left is completely silent now that one of its icons, billionaire socialist George Soros, has made a similar statement about President Donald Trump, though his comment comes in a completely different context. More on that in a moment. (RELATED: Keep track of the Trump administration at WhiteHouse.news)
Addressing globalists in Davos, Switzerland, during the World Economic Forum recently, Soros spoke with Bloomberg correspondent Francine Lacqua. During the interview, he called Trump “an imposter and con man and would-be dictator,” Breitbart reported.
That’s almost hysterical, considering that our recently-departed president was known to say that, as long as he’s “got a pen and a phone,” he doesn’t need Congress. That actually sounds dictatorial.
But Soros wasn’t done.
“I’ve described him as an imposter [sic] and con man and would-be dictator, but he is only a would-be dictator. The Constitution and institutions of the United States are strong enough, the division of power is in operation. He would be a dictator if he could get away with it. But he won’t be able to.”
Again, see comments on “dictator” above. As for Trump, he has surrounded himself with genuine constitutionalists as well as men who have actually put their lives on the line to protect and defend it. So there’s that.
When asked to assess how a Trump administration will affect global markets, Soros was uncertain – though he himself has already lost $1 billion since Election Day.
“It is impossible to predict exactly how Trump is going to act because he hasn’t actually thought it through,” Soros opined. “He didn’t expect to win.”
Except that his son, Eric, had this talk with his father before the billionaire real estate mogul ever threw his hat into the ring; he said he knew that his father wouldn’t get into the race to lose it.
Soros continued: “He was engaged in building his brand and improving it by his success in attracting crowds. It is really only when he got elected that he started seriously to think about what he is going to do. I personally am convinced that he is going to fail, not because of people like me who would like him to fail, but because the ideas that guide him are inherently self-contradictory. And the contradictions are actually already embodied by his advisors.”
First of all, crowds flocked to see Trump at his campaign events of their own free will; he didn’t force anyone. In fact, at most of them, he had to turn people away – something that never happened at a Clinton event. Secondly, Trump’s “brand” was not what he was offering the American people; he was “selling” a political, social and economic vision that the vast majority of Americans outside of California agreed with.
Lastly, if Trump fails, then our country fails – and that’s precisely what Soros wants. Through his various “non-governmental organizations,” Soros has been inciting riots and violence around the country, bankrolling groups and paying protesters to target cops, destroy private property and generally make the country as ungovernable as possible. (RELATED: What has the angry Left done lately to civil society? Find out at Collapse.news)
So, suffice it to say that this is a man who ought not to be attending globalist economic events in Switzerland; he ought to be standing trial and fighting for his own freedom.
And with any luck, maybe the incoming Trump administration will do what Soros’ own home country of Hungary is doing: put him out of business, politically speaking.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: George Soros, President Trump, Trump administration, Trump.news